(702) 364-2483 / (702) DOG-BITE info@DogBiteKingLasVegas.com
Six Levels of Dog Bites

Six Levels of Dog Bites

Dog bites can result in serious injuries, emotional trauma, and legal complexities for both the victim and the dog owner. As advocates for victims of dog bites, Dog Bite King Law Group aims to shed light on the severity and nuances of dog bite incidents. Understanding...
Will My Dog Be Put Down for Biting Someone?

Will My Dog Be Put Down for Biting Someone?

Owning a dog comes with many joys and responsibilities, but it also involves addressing tough questions, especially if your furry friend bites someone. The fear of your beloved pet being put down can be overwhelming, but it’s essential to understand the factors...
How Do I Know if a Dog Bite Is Serious?

How Do I Know if a Dog Bite Is Serious?

Dog bites are relatively common incidents that can happen to anyone, regardless of their familiarity with the canine species. While many dogs are friendly and pose no threat, some situations may lead to a dog feeling threatened or scared, resulting in a bite....
How to Win a Dog Bite Case

How to Win a Dog Bite Case

How to win a dog bite case? Every year, dog bites cause pain to 4.5 million Americans. Of these, over 850,000 require critical medical attention. Children make up around 50% of the people bitten.  You might be eligible for compensation if a dog bite injured you or...
What Happens If A Dog Bites Someone On Your Property

What Happens If A Dog Bites Someone On Your Property

What happens if a dog bites someone on your property? Considering who would cover legal expenses in a dog bite case is crucial. Even if the victim of a dog attack was a customer, trespasser, or salesperson, you can still be held liable. The many scenarios that could...
How To Defend Yourself from Dog Attacks

How To Defend Yourself from Dog Attacks

Our furry animals may be dear companions, but facing aggressive dogs can be risky. Knowing how to defend yourself from dog attacks is vital for personal safety. The content of this article covers dog bite safety tips and techniques, including training, dog bite...